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Biometric Reader with Keypad

Biometric Reader with Keypad


Biometrics refers to the descriptive identification of individuals based on their characteristics and traits. Because each individual has distinctive traits, biometric systems are used to identify these features and incorporate them as a form of access control. They are usually integrated with electronic locking systems.

The most popular form of biometrics is fingerprint recognition. The system reads the template of the finger. It remembers and stores the fingerprint in its system. Once it is memorized, biometric system is programed to recognize the fingerprint and authorize the door to unlock when it is used.

Biometric lock Nyc

SOS Advanced Security has a wide selection of biometric systems in all types of styles and finish. We carry latest from ZK Technology which includes both outdoors and indoor readers. Our technicians sell, install, and service all readers. In event of damage, we are able to repair your biometric system. We are always on top of the newest innovation we make it our business to be experts in everything security. In our book, there is nothing more important than being safe which is why we do everything we can to help you.

Access Control Brands SOS Locksmith carries Keri, Keyscan, ZIC Technology, Linear, and Doorking



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